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UPDATE: Calvary Chapel South Bay Pastor Stephen Mays Dies After Back Surgery Complications

You Tube Video from Calvary Chapel South Bay

Steve Mays

Update at 11:35 p.m.:

Pastor Steve died from a blood clot to his lung. His back surgery on Monday was successful. He was sitting up and eating hospital food with his wife Gail and his family/friends by his side last night. 

Original Post:

By Brian Hews

Pastor Stephen Mays who oversaw the popular Calvary Chapel South Bay has died due to complications from a back surgery on Thursday his wife confirmed in a statement to his friends, family and fellow church members.

Mays was 64 years old.

“It is with a heavy heart to share with you that our beloved Pastor Steve Mays has passed from this life into eternity. He passed away early this morning at 4:35am due to complications from back surgery,” a statement from his wife Gale confirmed early Thursday evening.

Hews Media Group-Community Newspaper was contacted by longtime members of Calvary Church about the death of Mays.

“Pastor Stephen Mays was an ordinary kid who grew up in a large city in California. He was a fun-loving, all-American boy who earned good grades and had a bright future ahead of him. Yet despite a good upbringing and a wholesome family life, there was a day in Steve’s life that changed everything. A schoolteacher had sexually molested him. Steve’s life became marred. Hatred and bitterness began to grow,” a statement on the church website stated.

Friends said that Mays began turning past negative challenges in his life and to turn them into positive actions, and overcame a major addiction to drugs as a teenagers and young adult.

“Steve, stoned as ever (this time on LSD, marijuana, and a combination of other drugs), terrorized his parents with a machete. His mother looked on in horror as Steve, machete in hand, grimaced and paced around the house like a madman swinging the blade. When Steve fell asleep, his bewildered parents quietly took away the machete,” the church website claimed.

Gail Mays told members of Calvary Chapel on Thursday, “Our beloved Pastor Steve entered into heavens gates this morning. He is now rejoicing with Our Lord! The family thanks you for all your prayers. Information regarding the memorial service will follow.

“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.” John 14:1–3,” Gail Mays wrote.

Funeral arraignments have not been announced.


Editor Note:  Please feel free to share this article with as many people as possible who are members of Calvary Chapel, as well as on Facebook, Twitter, or other social media sites.  We extend our thoughts and Prayers to Pastor Steve’s many friends and family at this time.

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  • Alexander says:

    He was my favorite. Funny and meant a lot. Rest in peace Pastor…

  • Angie Covarrubias says:

    May the Lord receive him with arms wide open! I heard Pastor Steve Mays preach once at Shepherd of the Hills church, it was a wonderful experience! Plus I heard him several times over the radio on LIGHT OF THE WORD. He was truly inspired by the Lord. My condolences to his family for their loss, may they be at peace that he is now in better hands with the Lord of All. Praise the Lord!

  • Sam Lopez says:

    As my wife and I bowed our heads to pray for Pastor Mays’ family, this evening, I envisioned a younger and pain free Pastor Mays with a smile on his face from ear to ear, strolling down the main streets of heaven. Although we all miss you Pastor Mays, we are all rejoicing with you as well. God’s timing is often puzzling, that He would take Pastor Smith up and Pastor Mays up within a year, almost to the day, of each other. I’m glad they get to be together again. Our prayers will remain for the entire Mays family, and church family alike.

    – In love

  • luci valdez says:

    I listened to Pastor Mays most mornings, He will surely be missed. Condolences to his beautiful wife and family. God bless

  • Winston Ekpo says:

    Pastor Steve Mays has been called home, Heaven. Let us pray for his family, especially his wife Gail. Pastor was ready too, he had a feeling that might happen. He is home with the Lord God Almighty. He lived an exemplary life, he taught us how to pray and walk this earth trusting God in everything we do. May his soul rest in peace. No more pain, no more surgery, he has a brand new back! praise God.

  • Ricardo Martin Del Campo says:

    Steve Mays had a way of teaching Gods word, so simple. Thru him the Holy Spirit would minister to me in a real personal way. We will miss you Pastor Steve Mays. I cant even imagine what Pastor Steve is witnessing right now.

  • Corinna Enriquez says:

    Amazing Man. I will miss him

  • Lalaine Chin says:

    Saddened…grieving…weeping…time will come for rejoicing for Pastor Steve will surely be missed. He was a truly a servant of God who loves his church and teaching. We love you Pastor, our dear Pastor. See you in heaven.

  • Mabek says:

    My heart is sad but I rejoice to think that Pastor Steve is not in pain anymore. Death is so real now…. Pastor Steve, one day in heaven, we will see each other… I am still in shock and still waiting for the good news that a you will be back at the pulpit… We love you… We will miss you… Our prayers for mama Gail….

  • Jose Maldonado says:

    I wake up with your powerful messages every morning listening the way you preach an the way you teach is so beautiful .. God used you and specially this morning with the message ” Faith which works” .. You inspired me to stand and preach like never before .. I love you my dear pastor , brother .. I will miss you .. I m crying because your gone .. But I rejoice because I will meet you there one day .. I will order the CDs tomorrow … May you Rejoice with our Lord Jesus Christ .. Singing holy holy !!!! May God bless your family my dear Brother Steve “

  • Tawanda Evans says:

    Steve will truly be miss. My girls and I have been coming for a few months now and have truly grown to Love this ministry. Steve was such a sincere Lover of the Lord and his work was not in vain. We’ll miss him but look forward to seeing him on the other side. Our prayers will be with the Family at a time like This. Leaning on the Lord will get you through this time of sorrow. Our prayers are with you.
    Steve Rest In Peace, God will say. My Son Job Well Done……

  • Hernandez says:

    our condolence to the mays family

  • Octavio M. says:

    Pastor you made a great impact on many lives including mine. Your teachings were always convicting, comforting and a blessing to me and showed me through your words on the radio how much God loves us. I always remember how I would rush to get my work done just so I can sit and listen to you minister to me. Even if I didn’t know you personally but spirituality we are connected through Jesus Christ. Thank you pastor Steve. You have no idea how much you changed my life and my family’s as well. I didn’t get a chance to meet you in person and that’s what hurts me but I also rejoice knowing will meet in a better place.

  • Maria says:

    Me and my son had been attending in Calvary Chapel Southbay for years now. My son was trained in Sunday School and is getting better considering that he had special needs. He learned a lot of things. Me and my son will then, proceed to listen to Ptr. Mays’ preachings before or after Sunday School/during other weekly service/s. Pastor Steve’s messages has served to be the word of reminders as we walk closely to God each day and as the Lord continues to help as in our Christian walk. Even if I was not able to talk to you personally, I’ve seen how despite your health concerns, eager and faithful you are in doing your work with the Lord by still preaching and remembering the church. You are always concern about the church and can’t help to preach even if you don’t feel okay. God bless you in that. That was another testimony that I’ll keep in remembering you. May the Lord continue to minister to your family and may they be able to adjusts quickly now that you’re no longer around. Thank you for your ministry. We won’t forget you! You taught me a lot of things through your messages and they will continue to be ingrained in our hearts and in our minds. Our condolences to your family and friends and cheers that you’re already enjoying the Lord’s presence up in heaven.

  • Tara K. says:

    I am sorry for the loss of this great man, pastor and teacher. His teachings and his compassionate way will be remembered. My thoughts and prayers go out Mrs.Mays and the family.. It hurt my heart to hear the news. I will miss Pastor Mays.

  • Robert says:

    I heard about Steve’s passing this morning on the Light of the Word broadcast. I am not very emotional but had a very emotional reaction to the news. His sermons set my day and his heart was a treasure to hear.
    Prayers of comfort to his wife (whom he lovingly often mentioned in his messages) and to his personal and CCSB family.
    I am grateful for your life, Pastor Steve.

  • KKat says:

    Pastor Steve Mays will be sorely missed especially by those like me in the generation and lifestyle he came from.
    Thanks for all your inspiring messages Pastor Steve. God sent you and now He’s taken you back. See you in Heaven!!

  • Espinoza T. says:

    Pastor Steve; You were used of God to touch my heart with every message the Holy Spirit gave you. Man of God,you will be missed humbled servent.

  • Edna Sarabosing says:

    You and Pastor chuck must be enjoying each other’s company, now that you are in heaven along with Jesus strolling the streets of gold.

  • Haydee Alves says:

    Fifteen years ago while driving to work and searching for a good radio station to listen to, I happened to come across Pastor Steve’s teachings of the bible. I was going through difficult moments in my life at that time. Feeling lost, confused and lonely, the words of Pastor Steve were like a message sent directly to me from God. My life has since then been transformed and has changed for the better; it is like waking up from a bad dream and realizing that God never let go of your hand.

    Even though I never had the opportunity to meet Pastor Steve in person, listening to him every morning while driving to work for the last 15 years, make me feel like I knew him. The news of his death shocked me and I felt sad and cried, but at the same time, my heart rejoiced because I knew that Pastor Steve left this earth to be present with the Lord. He graduated with honors from this earth and God promoted him to enter the gates of Heaven.

    May God bring peace and comfort to the heart of Pastor Steve’s wife and family during these difficult times. Please know that I am praying for Pastor Steve’s wife, his family, and for the church.

    God bless you!

    Haydee Alves