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Woman Attacked Near Cerritos Park East

A woman was attacked and almost kidnapped near Cerritos Park East Monday night.

The incident happened  Monday night around 9 p.m. near Hampton Court and 166th Street in Cerritos

The attacker took a black towel and wrapped it around the woman’s head, but she fought and managed to get away.

The woman is reportedly OK.

The attacker was  seen earlier riding on a bike around CPE.

People described the person as 5′ 7″ wearing a dark jacket.

If anyone has any information please call the Cerritos Sheriff’s at 562-860-0044

Cerritos sent this press release out today Friday June 24, 2016) at 2 pm

Public’s assistance sought in attempted kidnapping 

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department is seeking the public’s assistance in identifying a suspect wanted for attempted kidnapping. The suspect may be lingering in the area of Cerritos Park East, located at 13234 E. 166th Street in Cerritos.

On Monday, June 20 at 9 p.m., a 43-year-old female was jogging by herself along 166th Street near Hampton Court, less than one-quarter of a mile from Cerritos Park East, when she noticed an adult male ride past her on a dark colored bicycle. A few moments later the same male suddenly appeared from behind and wrapped a cloth around her head, partially covering her face.  The suspect then attempted to pull her away from 166th Street. The victim fought back by screaming and tussling until she was able to break free. The suspect then fled eastbound on 166th Street.

The suspect is described as a Caucasian or Hispanic male, approximately 5’ 7” tall, 160 pounds and wearing a black shirt, light-colored sweat pants and a sweatshirt wrapped around his waist.

Anyone with information regarding this assault or of a similar lone male lingering in the area of Cerritos Park East who appears to be “shadowing” lone females are encouraged to call the Cerritos Sheriff’s Station at (562) 860-0044 and contact Detective Mike Wolf.


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  • Scratch n sniff says:



    Why has it taken the city of Cerritos almost a week to report this case or this is just another way the city of Cerritos, diffuses the Chinese from getting spooked. It was also reported , there was a naked man running, this is related? Photos of Nude streaker appears on Cerritos Facebook, well there are hundred of nude joggers at the Regional Park and Flood control on regular basis during pre dawn hrs.

    Is councilperson Solanki behind this, as Sheriff are mad at him, for trying to remove Sheriffs from city, to balance the budget, this alleged incident took place minutes after Solanki blasted down the sheriff department. This reads like the Sheriffs are slow in reporting, because of the bad PR from Solanki.

    This story says Cerritos Park East, this intersection is close to Bloomfield, close to where Hillary Clinton’s (D) Movie Maker lives, and also close to the area where the city of Cerritos staff employee was murdered & his wife bathes in the street gutter. ( ON PPC Video Archives) Too many coincidences. 2 yrs ago, sheriff captain was transferred out of Cerritos to Lakewood, for exposing black man drowned at Regional Park, this smells like manure water from the lake, leaking up to 166th St. Is this another political war between city (D) -vs-(R) parties.

    This estranged whatever took place in warehouse rowe on 166th, at the close of the last city council meeting Monday night, that was a very hot night, and should have been reported to the public immediately. Firework show was removed from CPE, for this exact same reason, CPE is not a very safe area of town, plus hard to control. Even staff states allot of perverts hanging out at the Swim Center.





  • Taking Cerritos back! says:

    Thankfully, this lady was not more seriously harmed. Our thoughts and prayers go out to her and her family that she quickly recovers from this physical and emotional trauma.

    It has been said that Cerrios is becoming the new Bell. Criminal activity like this is not acceptable in our community, or anywhere else. Also, what is not acceptable is that the city waited three days to release this information to the public. By delaying releasing this information they put the entire community at risk. And for that the city council and city manager should be ashamed. They knew what happen, they warned their loved ones – but our wives, daughters. sisters, mothers and grandmothers were left in the dark, as potential victims.

    There needs to be change in this city starting at the top. The council can waste millions on a failing performing arts center, they can provide millions in corporate welfare to certain business area, they can throw millions at a auto museum where the guy they are dealing with has already said he loses money with his now closed museum. However, the city refuses to send out email notifications, text messages or auto calls to the community alerting them when and where crime is occurring in our city.

    As a community we are at great risk by a council that spends more time wasting tax payer dollars than investing in our safety. The money wasted on the pet projects can be used to create a safer community where women do not have to fear being raped when then walk through our city parks.

    It’s time for regime change and that begins when we vote in March 2017! Chen is out and The People are overthrowing Ray, in March, and any of his cronies or other insiders that attempt to run with him.

    To all past and present council members, kiss your lifetime benefits good by. The People are taking Cerritos back!

    It’s our city and not your personal bank account.

  • Make Cerritos Safe Again says:

    I agree, it is time to take our city back.

    No more tax increase just so, they can buy a museum.

    What happen with the water tax increase? I thought they were suppose to fix the pipes, now they are delaying that? why?

    I see water along the curbs of the major streets, because the curbs are broken. They are putting us at risk of Zika, because the standing water will attract the mosquitoes.

    I read before that West Nile was killing birds in the city. I am sure it was because of the standing water on the broken curbs.

    Count me in. I will tell my neighbors there is a movement starting.

  • Upset Resident says:

    Thank you for writing this in your paper. A friend called me and told me what happen. He said this happened on Monday night and the city didn’t notify anyone until Friday afternoon.

    The other person said the city should be ashamed and I concur. Why the long wait? The police didn’t have any leads or any idea who the person was; therefore, keeping the information a secret would not have jeopardized their investigation.

    I am really upset and now I wonder what else the city is hiding. Are my wife and children safe in our neighborhood. The world is not safe anymore and we need to know what is going on as soon as possible and not days later.

    We deserve an explanation of why the city waited so long and how they will fix this.

    I am glad the lady is okay and my family wishes her a speedy recovery.

  • Stevie says:

    We need to put CCTV system around the park. Probably cheaper than having more officers patrolling the areas.

  • A Safer Cerritos says:

    The City of Cerrios is paying $14 million per year on a contract with the Sheriff’s department. The contract that the city negotiated provides only a few officer to patrol the entire city during the day and even less at night.

    It appears the contract may be a bad deal for the city. We receive so few officers to patrol our streets when residents are almost kidnapped and everyone has a neighbor who as been burglarized.

    What are we getting for the money?

    Cerritos needs to renegotiate the contract and put more officers on the streets and fewer staff inside the sheriff’s station.

    The Cerritos station should only be used as a substation with minimal day-to-day operations. We need to combine operations with surrounding cities who also contract with the sheriff’s department.

    There is no need for Cerritos to spend spend millions of dollars on operations, extra cars, and non patrolling staff if those resources are not making our city safer. In addition, to the sheriff’s contract, the city pays other companies for services that the sheriff’s department already provides. For instance, the city pays both the sheriff’s department and other contractors for fingerprint services.

    Rumor is the city is willing to cut funds for senior services instead of cuts needless and redundant resources.

    Some estimates put the cost of the sheriff’s contract per deputy at over $500,000.00. We can cut that cost by combining non-patrol operations with other cities like Lakewood. At one time Cerritos staff was based out of Lakewood station.

    Many cities nearby with their own police department pay half that amount for services and have 2-3 times more police officers.

    We are not getting our moneys worth under the current contract. it was another bad deal for Cerritos. We can put more officers on the streets for less money and that will protect our families, our homes, and our officers.

    Keep our families safe! Keep our Officers Safe! Keep our homes safe!

    It’s time to renogitate the contract for a Safer Cerritos.

  • Cerritos Resident says:

    When that 2:00 A.M call came-in, the entire Cerritos city council hit the snooze button and went back to sleep.

    One of two things happened on Monday night.

    The sheriff’s department called the city council and notify them that a female resident had almost been kidnapped and had to fight for her life. Taking the position that Cerritos residents do not need to know their life is at risk, the city council then unified to purposefully and negligently decided not to notify the public.


    The sheriff’s department did not notify the city council about a potential deadly attract on a female Cerritos resident on the night it happened. The city council is okay at not knowing about their residents having to fight off a kidnapper and prefers to stay in the dark and not know about their residents being terrorized by kidnappers and rapists.

  • Concerned says:

    What the heck is going on? Saw this on Facebook and searched for more news and found this article. Why did not the police or someone from the city give an interview on the channel 4 news?


    How did Cerritos file this crime? Years ago Cerritos was rumored to have been under-reporting crimes to make the city look safer.