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HMG-LCCN EXCLUSIVE: L.A. County Will Open COVID-19 Testing Site in Bellflower Next Week



Hews Media Group-Los Cerritos Community News has confirmed that L.A. County will open a COVID-19 testing site in Bellflower next week.

Currently the county has seven sites, but none anywhere near Bellflower and surrounding communities.

This past Friday April 3, Cerritos City Councilman Frank Yokoyama sent a letter into Los Angeles County Fourth District Supervisor Janice Hahn requesting that she facilitate the establishment of a testing site in Cerritos at Cerritos Regional Park.

It was published the next day by HMG-LCCN.


Cerritos Councilman Yokoyama Calls on Supervisor Hahn to Help Set Up a COVID-19 Mobile Testing Site in City



Yokoyama included a map of current testing sites in the area and noted the lack of sites in SE L.A. County.

“I am requesting your help to provide our region of Los Angeles County that includes the City of Cerritos with a COVID-19 Drive-Up Mobile Testing Site,” Yokoyama wrote, “as you can see, our region, including Cerritos, is underserved and under-resourced relative to other regions regarding equal access to testing for the COVID-19 virus.”

“Accordingly, I respectfully request your help to open a COVID-19 Drive-Up Mobile Testing Site at Cerritos Regional Park. Thank you for your leadership and support during this unprecedented pandemic.”



The request apparently caught the attention of all those involved; within a week the Bellflower site was established.

But not everybody was happy, newly appointed Cerritos Mayor Naresh Solanki was visibly angry with Yokoyama sending the letter and blasted him at Thursday’s City Council meeting “for breaking protocol.”

The five minute outbreak, which included Solanki calling Yokoyama a liar,  was similar to the harassment and insults former Hawaiian Gardens Councilman Barry Bruce threw around at the city’s council meeting.

It got so bad at one point that Mayor pro tem Chuong Vo actually asked the mayor to “move on.”

When contacted by HMG-LCCN, Yokoyama said, “I commend Supervisor Hahn and Bellflower Mayor Juan Garza for quickly working to bring a testing site to the City of Bellflower here in our region. This will greatly help our Cerritos residents.”


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  • Bellflower Testing says:

    Thank you thank you thank you, God for not placing the test center at the Cerritos Regional Park we don’t need all that traffic in Cerritos, plus we don’t need the threat of pandemic victims, hitting our area, since Cerritos is home to 30,000 seniors…. Bellflower is much more central location. If held at the Reg Park, testers would of shopped Walmart/ Bloomfield Target, poss. infecting more locals with Covid19, if they are positive. Cerritos is too far removed to be central testing area. El Dorado Park, Long Beach, would have been the best test area, even better then Bellfower.

    I was very ashamed at the last city council meeting, (4/9/2020) when Solanki and Frank got into it. Frank should have just said this is not the appropriate time to talk about this, as in the past, city has many issues over the signatures of council people, this is nothing new. If Solanki had been around or native to this area he would have been familiar with the protocol of the signatures for the past six decades.


    Narish blew it at the end of the meeting last night by going after Frank. I think last night CCC, going to have another Brown Act Violations; Grace was the only one sensible to stop things last night.

    Cerritos is only appointed mayor, not elected mayor, big legal difference. City Charter was supposed to be amended when they worked on the Commissioners protocol book, decade ago, Charter has not been touched and there’s a lot of other garbage that needs to be analyzed in that Charter.

    Anyone can talk about the Regional Park, that section does not belong to the city, it is a county park.
    Frank should of signed the letter: Ret. Mayor or Ret. Mayor Pro-Temp……there is 3 letters floating around, he can write anything on personal capacity, but not in cap. of the city.

    CM/ Esq should of stopped the carnival, now someone is going to get hurt and CM has injured the city at large. Very embarrassing night for the CCC and has permanently turned off many home viewers forever more.

    4/10 Cerritos has 30 cases of Covid19, plus many deaths. La Palma has 15 cases, plus many deaths. Insult to injury, to have our CCC argue about petty items, compared to this CCC, which is only shamefull insult to Passover and Holy Thurs church goers, not to mention all of the planned funerals on the horizon for Greater Dairy Valley……..residents should seriously think about recall election.

  • Jsson says:

    Now more sick people will travel towards my city. It was good the way it was. This was not a wise choice. Why is the Cerritos City Council member deciding what you have in Bellflower?

    • Bellflower RR Tracts says:


      Centers should be close to freeways, and not in the heart of any city. Should be open 24/7, to get hi numbers sent in to these testing hubs. More tested, greater the chance of confinement and arresting this pandemic.

  • ABCUSD says:

    Glad test center will not be in Cerritos. City has enough issues for trying to understand this virus.

    Never will forget, Dr. Mary Sieu/ABC invited parents to send students in to ABC because it will remain virus free and the next morning at nooner, all schools were closed. Dr. Mary knew that some of the students in the district had pink eye plus the word had got out, that poss. of : hand-foot-mouth virus in to ABC. 2020-2021 School Year, must elect new superintendent for the district.

    Remote on line studies is not working for all students, many homes are not equipped for students learning center, etc. Mark my words, come xmas 2020, district will have many students who will become mothers of babies.

    Dr. Mary Sieu: http://cerritos.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=15&clip_id=4534

    ……….pray, every student be tested, prior to re-opening the district in 2021, to make sure there is no carriers.

  • El Dorado Park says:

    Test centers should be adjacent to the freeway interchanges, as thousands will be frequenting these testing centers. Long Beach El Dorado Park would be ideal, since close to 605 for egress/ ingress for the testing. No city needs bumper to bumper traffic, compared to what we see nationwide on TV News feeds. JUST MAKES COMMON SENSE.

  • jonathan davidson says:

    Cerritos is at the hub of the LA County, Orange County, Long Beach meteocenter. Having a drive up test location for the corona virus at the regional park would have been great. They have a road going around the park accessible to vehicles with nothing fenced off. They could have set up a test station for the seniors living in Cerritos like my soon to be 81 year old mother who doesn’t need to be driving all the way to Bellflower. My mom likes to hang out at the senior centers, and many of her friends can’t drive. The ones that do drive end up driving their friends around to different activities or for doctors appointments. Now they can’t get near each other, so the seniors to old to drive have to rely on means of transportation other than themselves. I can’t believe that the Mayor of Bellflower and Supervisoe Hahn got together and made their deal without announcing the location for the site. It seems like the only reason they have for making my mom drive to bellflower for the test is their own personal agendas,

    • DMV Office says:

      Reply to Jonathan Davidson:

      Examine, housing density for multi-family units: North Long Beach, Bellflower, Paramount, Hollydale, South Gate, South Downey, Norwalk, sections of Lakewood, drastically higher, compared to sparse Cerritos. Bellflower is the hub of the housing density.

      Plus cities surrounding Bellflower, more residents are on public relief, compared to stand alone Cerritos, which has private or international medical insurances…..

      Why build a Gas Station in the middle of the ocean, when there is no cars to purchase gas there? Why build a Bank in the middle of Death Valley, when there is no housing?

  • Tammy says:

    Why I don’t think we need it here I swear you watch its going to take off they will come here and then go to are gas station and fast food city off bellflower needs to get there head out of there you know what