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Natural History Museums of Los Angeles County Announce Fall Programming

Los Angeles, CA (September 27, 2021)—After a year of closure and a summer of welcoming visitors back to the Museum’s daily experiences, the Natural History Museum (NHM) in Exposition Park is introducing a new slate of mind-blowing exhibitions, installations, and public programs for the whole family, including the West Coast debut of the exhibition Becoming Jane: The Evolution of Dr. Jane Goodall.

In addition, the Museum will celebrate the Dinosaur Hall’s 10th anniversary and showcase a giant ichthyosaur skull discovered by our scientists in Nevada; reopen the doors to the open air Spider Pavilion; display the work of master celebrity jewelry designer Robert Procop; and much more! Plus at La Brea Tar Pits in Hancock Park, experience the Mammoths and Mastodons installation and see science in action with new discoveries daily.

Here’s everything that’s happening this fall:



Spider Pavilion
Now – December 5, 2021


This one-of-a-kind seasonal pavilion offers a rare glimpse into the secret life of spiders. Visitors can stroll through the open-air pavilion to see hundreds of orb weavers and their amazing webs. The spider den offers the opportunity to peer into enclosed habitats that house different species, from tarantulas to jumping spiders. NHM’s Museum Educators will share exciting stories and serve as resources to answer all arachnid questions along the way.

Free for Members. $6 for nonmembers (plus General Admission). Learn more: NHM.ORG/spiders

Becoming Jane: The Evolution of Dr. Jane Goodall
November 7, 2021 – April 17, 2022

The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (NHM) will present the West Coast debut of Becoming Jane: The Evolution of Dr. Jane Goodall. The exhibition, which is organized by National Geographic in partnership with the Jane Goodall Institute, will explore Dr. Goodall’s venerable career, surveying the primatologist’s work from her early field research in Gombe, Tanzania to her current community-centered work. The exhibition features experiential activities and immersive displays, including a replica of her research tent, and an immersive projection of Tanzania’s Gombe Stream National Park. Visitors will also have the opportunity to learn about her current role as a leader in community-centered conservation and youth empowerment with the Jane Goodall Institute.

Becoming Jane made its debut at the National Geographic Museum in Washington D.C. Major support in Los Angeles provided by the Annenberg Foundation, with additional support from Bank of America and Visionary Women.

Free for Members. Nonmembers: $10 for adults, $6 for children (plus General Admission). Learn more: NHM.ORG/jane

Discovery from the Deep
Now – November 29, 2021

This temporary display contains an extremely rare female Pacific footballfish (Himantolophus sagamius, a type of anglerfish), which was discovered in May 2021 at Crystal Cove State Park in Newport Beach, CA. Typically found thousands of feet underwater, this fish now resides in NHMLAC’s Ichthyology Collection, and is one of only about 30 female specimens available for study in museum collections worldwide. A traditional Japanese gyotaku (fish rubbing, or printing) of the specimen, created by artist Dwight Hwang accompanies the presentation.

Free with NHM admission. Learn more: NHM.ORG/anglerfish

Discovering a Fossil Giant
Now – January 2022

While dinosaurs dominated land during the Mesozoic Era, marine reptiles like this giant ichthyosaur—nicknamed Jim 2—ruled the sea. At 17 meters long, this specimen is actually the largest organism ever found from the Middle Triassic Period (242–244 million years ago). Excavated from the Nevada mountains and on display for the very first time, visitors can view the cone-shaped teeth and narrow snout of this ocean predator’s complete two meter skull up close and learn about its journey to the Museum. Tom and Bonda Young, founders of the Great Basin Brewing Co., helped fund the seven years of work it took to dig up Jim 2 and prepare it in NHM’s Dino Lab.

Free with NHM admission. Learn more: NHM.ORG/ichthyosaur

Brilliance: The Art and Science of Rare Jewels
December 8, 2021 – February 20, 2022

Brilliance: The Art and Science of Rare Jewels features over one hundred spectacular objects—necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings, and unmounted gems—that will be on display alongside minerals from the museum’s collection. The exhibition explores how rare gems and minerals are used in a wide variety of fields, from jewelry design to scientific research in geology, chemistry, physics, and other disciplines.

Drawn primarily from the works of master jewelry designer Robert Procop, the show includes striking examples of colored fancy diamonds, such as the largest green diamond in the world and one of the world’s largest pink diamonds. In addition to learning about how gems are used to make jewels, visitors will also discover how scientists use these exceptional stones to learn about Earth processes, and in turn, gain a better understanding of how our planet works.

Free with NHM admission. Learn more: NHM.ORG/brilliance

See them before they close!

Dinosaurs of Antarctica 3D
Last chance to view before our 3D Theater closes on Oct 31, 2021

Journey to a surreal and ancient realm of midnight suns, night hunters, and river monsters. Join in an Antarctic quest where scientists uncover a hidden dinosaur story millions of years in the making. It’s a 3D adventure through time from today’s frozen desert to a lush world of giants. (Showings daily, every 30 min starting at 10 am)

All 3D films are free for Members. $6 for nonmembers (plus General Admission). For more information or to purchase tickets, visit NHM.ORG/3dtheater.

Rise Up LA: A Century of Votes for Women
Now – Oct 10, 2021

This exhibition honors 100 years of passion and progress through personal narratives from the everyday women who shaped the suffrage movement. Through photographs, protest ephemera (signs, buttons, banners and magazines), video and audio, Rise Up LA highlights the lives of women in Los Angeles County who, over the last 100 years, fought for women’s rights.

Free with NHM admission. Learn more: NHM.ORG/riseup

Spiky, Hairy, Shiny: Insects of L.A.
Now – Apr 1, 2022


This exhibition features macrophotographs of insects and highlights NHMLAC’s groundbreaking Biodiversity Science: City and Nature (BioSCAN) research project, the world’s largest urban biodiversity study.

Free with NHM admission. Learn more: NHM.ORG/insectsofla


LA BREA TAR PITS (Mid-Wilshire / Hancock Park)

Mammoths and Mastodons

On view now
La Brea Tar Pits


Throughout the museum discover the stories of these creatures that once roamed Los Angeles. Get up close to La Brea’s real fossils and stand next to life-sized replicas that show what Ice Age mammoths and mastodons looked like in life. Take part in new interactive experiences that will give you a hands-on understanding of the science behind excavating and analyzing these fascinating creatures.


Free with museum admission. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit TARPITS.org/mammoths-and-mastodons.


Titans of the Ice Age 3D
Daily screenings
La Brea Tar Pits

Journey to a world lost in time, buried in ice, and ruled by giants. In this exciting 3D adventure, discover an icy world on the brink of extinction, where humans share the frozen tundra with majestic beasts. Encounter some of the Earth’s most awe-inspiring mammals, from saber-toothed cats and dire wolves to giant sloths and the iconic mammoths that lived 10,000 years before modern civilization. See how these magnificent creatures became trapped in tar, preserved in time, and are being unearthed today.


All 3D films are free for Members. $6 for nonmembers (plus General Admission). For more information, visit TARPITS.org/experience-tar-pits/3d-theater.

The Hart museum is currently closed until further notice. Learn more and sign up for updates: HARTMUSEUM.org




Members get free admission to three museums for the price of one, plus a whole year of amazing perks.

Get ready for a year full of discovery filled with exclusive previews of special exhibitions and seasonal Butterfly and Spider Pavilions, insider access to scientists, Member-only events such as Haunted Museum, and so much more. Support for our mission comes in many shapes and sizes, but they all make a difference. Find the best Membership for you today! Become a member today by visiting NHMLAC.org/membership.

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